Friday, November 15, 2013

Cultural Relativism as a Nodal Network

Somehow I wound up on the wikipedia page for Cultural Relativism and came across Franz Boas' definition of culture, which he defined as:
"the totality of the mental and physical reactions and activities that characterize the behavior of the individuals composing a social group collectively and individually in relation to their natural environment, to other groups, to members of the group itself, and of each individual to himself."
This is the definition of a nodal network. The memetic information can only exist in the meme-space created by a collection of nodal meme bearers. Culture only exists in the memory created by the network. Boas' definition of culture as relative nodal relationships to other nodes within a network is precisely how the lens of memetics sees the function of culture. The occult term for this space is the egregore.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Migrating from Tumblr

I love tumblr. But it just isn't cutting it as a writing platform.

My old blog can be viewed at

And here we go..